The Power of Antioxidants

The Power of Antioxidants

One of our skin specialists, Jade, let us know all about antioxidants and why she loves them!

Why would you live without them!!!

As one of Beyond MediSpa skin specialists, I understand and see daily the stresses that your skin can go through and the negative effects left behind with conditions such as hyper pigmentation, inflammation, Acne and so on. So why is this?? Because the skin gets attacked daily by free radicals through environment factors and the aging process.

Antioxidants are amazing at protecting and limiting the effects on our cells from free radicals. Well known antioxidants are Vitamin A, C and E. With Vitamin C leading the way to stimulate collagen production, giving the skin a plumper and brighter appearance, Vitamin E to support cell function and skin health and Vitamin A to stimulate new skin cells helping to maintain healthy dermal and epidermal layers of the skin whilst decreases inflammation. I would always recommend using Antioxidants daily as part of your everyday skin routine – Morning and Evening.

My product recommendation – Skinceuticals Phloretin CF this is one of my favourite products to use on a daily basis it’s not only lightweight but it has calmed down any redness I had in my skin and made it so much brighter. It’s evened out my skin tone and the texture of my skin is amazing since using this product. Not only do I use this product daily It works really well with my monthly Hydrafacial treatment making my homecare products more effective and my skin is glowing with this combination of both product and treatment.

Skin specialist London | Beyond Medispa

Why not call me to book a skin OBSERVE consultation so I can help you find which one of our extensive range of antioxidants would be the perfect solution for your skin.

Beyond Medispa
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