Sarah Carolides

Nutritionist London

Specialist in nutrition for weight loss and skin issues.

Supporting your programme from the inside alongside our spa treatments on the outside.

Personalised menu plans, adding nutritional therapy to your programme will make sure you feel and look your very best both inside and out.

Book a Nutritionist Appointment

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Detox Programmes

Sometimes a detox programme is exactly what is needed to get you ready for an important event or kick-start your health after an indulgent holiday or difficult business trip. We can provide programmes lasting from 3 to 21 days that will cleanse your body, clear your head and give you a spring in your step that lasts for months.

Genetic Testing

Beyond Medispa has partnered with REVIV Genetics to offer the most comprehensive and reliable DNA tests currently on the market. Want to know whether fats or carbohydrates will help you lose weight? Or whether drinking coffee will make you age faster? Using a simple saliva test, we can reveal exactly what your body needs to look and feel your best.

Sarah specialises in nutrition for weight loss and skin issues. Supporting your programme from the inside alongside our spa treatments on the outside will ensure you achieve your goals in the fastest time possible. We know that hormones, leaky gut, food intolerances or genetics can all stop you getting the results you want. Using medical testing and creating personalised menu plans, adding nutritional therapy to your programme will make sure you feel and look your very best both inside and out.

Beyond Medispa
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