The Flawless Feet Feed

We have an amazing team of podiatrists at Beyond MediSpa committed to keeping your feet healthy, find out more about them here!

We at Flawless Feet are a team of dedicated Podiatrists 100% committed to keeping your feet healthy. We will be providing you with regular blogs which include advice, information on common foot complaints, the latest research relating to footcare and new technology and answering many questions that you might have about feet and footwear.

What is a Podiatrist?

A Podiatrist is a health professional specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions affecting the lower limb and feet! That’s right, we spend four years studying anatomy, biology, pharmacology, biomechanics and learning about conditions such as Diabetes and the effect that this has on the feet.

Why is it important to visit a Podiatrist?

Feet are the most used part of the body next to the head. They support you, they carry your weight and are responsible for very important milestones in your life! Without them, life as we know it would be very different. Since they are furthest away from the human body our feet often get overlooked and neglected, however when you have a foot problem, it can have a huge impact on your life and the saying “if our feet hurt we hurt all over”rings true!

A Podiatrist can make sure your feet are healthy using special chairside tests that measure circulation, nerve function and we can even let you know if your feet are in the correct position for your body.

The Flawless Medical Pedicure

Many of you know what a Pedicure is but a ‘Medical’ pedicure often leaves a big question mark in peoples heads. The Flawless Medical Pedicure is a complete transformation of the feet which will leave your feet… flawless! During this forty five minute appointment which is also a consultation, our Podiatrists will take your feet on a journey using high quality effective products and traditional podiatric techniques. The nails will be hygienically cleaned, the skin of the feet will be treated and your Podiatrist will address any ingrown toenails, corns, athletes foot, verrucas and callus. At the end of your appointment, your podiatrist will evaluate your feet, provide you with general foot-care advice and discuss any further treatments or services that are required to keep your feet healthy and flawless.

Why should you book in for The Flawless Medical Pedicure?

For Long lasting effective results, your feet will be at their healthiest and cleanest after The Flawless Medical Pedicure. We are offering 50% off until the end of October.

How do I book?

The Flawless Medical Pedicure is available at Beyond MediSpa from 10-8pm on the fourth floor at Harvey Nichols, with Maddy or Simone you can call us on 0207 201 8595 or email us with a preferred day and time at



£200 with a Senior Podiatrist

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